Our Services
Whether needing help upon receiving a personal terminal diagnosis or coordinating the upcoming care for a dying parent, see how Sacred Roads LLC may be of service to you and your family. Hospice and palliative care teams are only able to go so far. Sacred Roads LLC aims to be a supplement to the care both entities already provide. From help identifying your death care wishes to completing life reviews, a death doula can help navigate these roads ahead. From logistical guidance and education to non-medical comfort care at bedside, a doula can be there for your entire family and friend circle. Whether seeking to receive vigil services or post-death bereavement support, a doula can serve as a guide to fulfill as good of a death as possible. Sacred Roads LLC can assist on all levels -- physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and practical. Through conversations and collaboration, care and services will be tailored to your specific needs and wishes. Belinda will work with you to create a designated plan that is true to you and remains true along the way. As needed, Belinda will make referrals and collaborate with other doulas or death care professionals. Schedule a time to speak with Belinda regarding the specific doula services and guidance that may be of benefit to you.
Free Initial Consultation ~ Consulta Inicial Gratuita
To see if we are a match for one another, reach out to speak with Belinda today!
¡Comuníquese con Belinda hoy para ver como se le puede ayudar!